Recover files from damaged or corruptedCD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-Ray disks
CD Recovery Toolbox tool was developed for recovering damaged files from different disk types: CD, DVD,HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. You can use it to restore information lost as a result of some mechanical damage of the disk (scratches, chips, different spots on thesurface) or as a result of incorrect recording. Thus, the program can recoverdata that was considered lost. The CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool scans any CD and DVD disks and finds files and folders located there. We should mention that there can be some information on the disk that cannot berecovered. Not all of the files and folders can be found - that depends on the degree and location of the damage. Therefore, the CD Recovery Toolbox Free tool finds the possible maximum amount of information. After that, it shows a list of all files and folders available for recovery. Now the user can select the files and folders to be recovered. Those specific objects will be recovered while the others will be ignored. The program recovers the maximum amount of information in the damaged file. This reduces the risk of data loss considerably.
Program features:
- Recovering information from any CD and DVD disks
- Recovering files larger than 4 Gb
- Detecting possible lack of free space on the hard disk for storing the recovered files
Jika Anda memiliki data-data penting yang tersimpan di dalam CD dan ternyata CD tersebut rusak sedangkan Anda tidak memiliki file backup-nya, apakah yang akan anda lakukan? panik? bingung? tentu saja, Anda tidak perlu bereaksi seperti itu jika Anda memiliki software CD Recovery Toolbox
Cara Recovery CD yang rusak:
- Cukup masukkan keping CD/DVD yang tergores atau rusak ke CD/DVD Room.
- Jalankan CD Recovery Toolbox dan klik Next » klik tombol browse dan arahkan ke drive CD/DVD room Anda berada.
- Jika ingin recovery seluruh isi CD/DVD pilih Check All, Selanjutnya adalah langkah yang biasa recovery yang mudah diikuti.